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Current Researchers:
  • Stephen Sheppard, PhD
  • Deepti Mathew Iype, MSc
  • Kai Okazaki, MCRP
  • Malinda Kankanamge (web design)
Past Researchers:
  • Rory Tooke, PhD
  • Jon Salter, PhD
  • Sara Baron, MLA
  • Joey Lee, Msc.
  • David Peacock (web design)
  • Peyvand Forouzandeh
  • Dawood Al-Masslawi (web design)
  • Shirlene Cote
  • Alicia LaValle
  • Nicole Miller
  • Utkarsh Saxena
  • Joey Lee
  • Lukas Holy
  • Nikki Ng
  • Courtney Miller

Community Energy Explorer (CEE)

The Community Energy Explorer is a web resource to help municipalities and citizens think about and plan for energy in their communities.

The Community Energy Explorer (CEE) is a web resource, designed to provide communities and citizens with information and tools for local energy planning and carbon emission mitigation. Planning for energy demand and supply has increasingly been moving to local, municipal scales. This is particularly true in British Columbia, where Bill 27 (Green Communities) mandates that municipalities inventory and plan for carbon emissions, however, other provinces are currently working on similar legislation. To serve its intended purpose, the CEE has taken a 3-pronged approach. Firstly, building off of CALP’s existing Community Energy Guidebook, CEE provides accessible information and resources to explain community energy, energy demand, and renewable energy supply options to citizens. Secondly, CEE provides community energy case studies that visualize energy concepts. How do energy planning and carbon emission mitigation strategies manifest in real locations? Finally, CEE houses a set of developing research and social mobilization tools useful to municipal planners and citizen groups for local energy planning. These tools range from block-scale toolkits to help citizen groups inventory and plan for carbon emissions, to regional online mapping applications that inventory building-scale energy demand and municipal renewable energy resources, such as solar, wind, and biomass. The long term goals of the CEE are to provide evolving and up-to-date resources for community energy planning, and to provide a platform for the development of new and innovative engagement tools.

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