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    Regional map demonstrating outcomes of one possible community choice

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    Act 1: North Delta CIMA Vision- geothermal pump modeled by high school student

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    Act 1: Extensive home retrofits: a mitigation and adaptation solution

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    Act 2: Carbon Vision demonstrating emissions

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    Act 3: Future Vision – visualization of one of the solutions for sea level rise

Current Researchers:
  • Stephen R.J. Sheppard
  • Aleksandra Dulic
  • Alicia LaValle
  • Jeanette Angel
  • Deepti Mathew Iype
  • Jenalee Kluttz
  • Theodore Lau
Past Researchers:

Future Delta 2.0

Future Delta 2.0 is a place-based educational video-game to explore climate change challenges and solutions.

The project is unique in its use of a video gaming to encourage exploration of climate change challenges and solutions. This research builds on the Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning team work in Delta, British Columbia, visualizing local and regional climate change. The beta video game was co-designed and evaluated with students and teachers from the Delta School District to create a fun and interactive tool to explore scenarios that stimulate awareness, concern and learning at a variety of scales.

Future Delta 2.0 is structured around 3 Acts that are time and locale-specific. Each act features new tools including
1) Act 1: CIMA vision. A way to discover climate change Causes, Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation within the North Delta landscape
2) Act 2: Carbon Vision. A way to see carbon emissions and sequestration within the industrial context of Tilbury
3) Act 3: Future Vision. A way to explore future adaptation solutions in residential Boundary Bay and the municipal center of Ladner

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